I Need Your Strength

Two top media company has already come in our place to look at the matter but we never see any light at the end of the tunnel. Days passed by swiftly and the thoughts of losing the roof on our heads beyond January 30, 2009 makes me weaker each day. I can’t even feel the Christmas in the air, although cold wind is already embracing me… I guess it just makes me numb each passing day. The show of force is so demoralizing, watching the regular round of soldiers in our neighborhood is creating fear and confusion among the children. I already written our cause to some top leaders of our society but it seem our issue had just fallen in deaf ears…




I started blogging to ease my pains

To ease my feelings and gain some friends

To voice out my opinions and ravings

and to pacify the anger in my surging veins


The journey to blogging seems interesting

It lessen the worries that makes me lame

It makes me feel alive once again

From more than 3 years of silence


I was silenced by the forces of evil

Who threaten to take my life If I never refrain

Refrain from what? You may ask me that

From being radical which narrowed my path


But I can’t live in silence for many years

It makes me crazy and will paralyze my brains

Now I need to go out once again

Maybe not in the street but in the field of blogging


 I love my kids, I don’t want to endanger them

That’s why I shut my mouth off and quit from work

But how long shall I stop and just stare at them?

While they are crashing our rights and our home

We were all strangers in this land

Which created by God for every man

But some men are greedy and cruel

They draw the boundaries and created their titles


But how dare you claim you own the land created by God?

You just draw the line and claimed it’s yours?

And for that claim you’re ready to harm and maybe kill

Whoever blocks your plans and claims?


Fights and wars has just one cause

The greed in every man’s heart to rise in power

By trampling the rights and freedom of other men

Just to place themselves in the pedestal of fame


The journey to freedom maybe long and hard

Millions of men had already sacrificed their lives

For the call of justice, equality and sovereignty

Despite all these, we still have to take our steps in this journey


I am drawing my strength from God and friends

And I am calling you to internalize the cause

The fight will be stronger if you joined mine

I need your strength in the darkest time…


~by: Juliet B. Corpuz ~

12-8-2008 4:00am

Poetry is my healing balm… I need to put into words all the bad feelings I have in my heart…

Related posts of our issue:

Demolition Issue

Demolition update

Eviction notice

Jan 1, 2009

I would like to thank all my readers and blogger friends who extend their hands and support to our demolition issue. The good words coming from you guys is very important to me as this keeps me going and stand on my feet each day.

I also want to give my sincere thanks to SSNUFY for a wonderful poem he composed for this post.


Be still my friend have you not forgot
that an awesome God Controls the lot
His word is law and very true
and you know the depth of His love for you

So Stand in faith and and trust His Word
to doubt His power is quit absurd
For He is God and on His Throne
and your promise is your not alone

In His good time this storm will pass
and you will stand at peace alas
and the threat so bold that held you there
will disappear in the morning air,,,,,,

Gods very best >>>SSNUFFY

Thank you very much….

Here is my response for this poem…

Thank you very much SSNUFFY
For this sincere poem you created for me
The thoughts made its way to my heart
Which adds to my strength and made me glad

Never will I forget I have a Big God
Who always leads my path
In him I draw my strength
To face all my struggles and pains

I always thank him for all the friends
That He sent my way as an instrument
Who cheers me up when I’m in vain
Which cushion the blows and ease the pains

I stand still and keep my faith
To trust His word is my shield
This storm will go and never win
Cause I have a God who never fail

<<<<Juliet >>> [January 1, 2009     7:30 a.m.]